As my lack of posting to my blog reveals, life has gotten very busy. I have not posted in a few months. I originally started this blog with the idea of exploring simplicity. My life has not gotten simpler. As I also explored being more responsible in how I live as a consumer on this planet, it seemed to actually complicate things even more. Family life, work life and the chaotic political and economic times has added up to lots of stress and takers of my time.
I am back and have a renewed need for simplicity.
A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I went for a lovely four-day weekend get-a-way at a bed and breakfast, Les Lavandes, in a small town about four hours from home. It was so peaceful and lovely there even though it did rain for two of the four days. We were away from TV and computers, out in the country where life somehow seems to move a bit slower. I think it only seems that way because there are fewer distractions and one can focus more clearly.
I will be posting again with a great focus on simplicity. I hope that you will join in and add your comments. If there is a kindred spirit out there that would enjoy an editorial spot to blog, let me know. I am open to others blogging their thoughts as part of the OFE team. - Joy
Buzz it up