When we got married in 2001 we merged two households. My household included kids and all the things that goes along with kids. I am so bad about holding on to things, otherwise known as stuff, that even though my kids are in their twenties and I have a new grandson, I still have baby stuff from over twenty years ago. I don't know why I hold on to things and why it is so hard to let go.
Recently I took two dolls to a local "doll hospital" to donate them. They told me they could probably use them for parts. I gasped. What! Then I had to step back and remember the dolls were actually my sister's. I had them in storage for years and years. I even had them in my trunk for over a year when I tried to give them back to her and she said they weren't hers. I guess she is finally getting a grip on letting go of things or she is letting go of her memory. :-)
After having the dolls in a trunk for the whole year after my sister refused them, I was standing there in the doll hospital aghast at the idea that these poor dolls would be turned into parts. Time to let go. I have to say it was pretty disturbing seeing those dolls in the trunk for a year. Can you believe that? A whole year went by. Well, I did walk away and let the dolls go. It still tugs at me a little bit.
We have taken so much stuff to a local charity and recycling center that I almost hate to go in there any longer. It's downright embarrassing. So the endeavor to live a more simple life and to rid our lives of clutter has caught me in the clutch of a problem I was not facing, that of holding on to stuff that I should have released years ago so that someone else could benefit. I also think twice about buying more stuff, especially on vacation when I think that a few souvenirs would be nice. So now I realize I have several fronts from which to fight the battle against Stuff and live a cleaner, simpler life...the front of old clutter, new clutter, and finding ways to live in harmony with the natural world.